How can I get another information?
More information about the company INTERAUDIT LUTO 21 and our services you will get in these contact places or at the these persons:
Headquarter of company: |
INTERAUDIT LUTO 21, s.r.o. partner: Ing. Silvie Filipová ? assistent of auditor and assistent of tax advisor Mrs. Jana Tůmová - procurist RNDr. Peter Ferenc - tax advisor |
Center OPS |
Accounting office Hubáček, Ltd. Miroslav Hubáček - director of section in Brno auditor: Ing. Eva Antonínová |
Establishment Hodonín: |
Výstavní 4470/27
The office is leading Ing. Dana Kováčiková - managing director e-mail:, |
Center Hodonín |
Taxdan s.r.o.
Ing. Lubomír Motl - director of section in Hodonín and tax advisory |
Center IT |
Accounting services and analysis, s.r.o. Hradební 34/6 696 18 Lužice Spisová značka C 80420 vedená u Krajského soudu v Brně IČO: 02144298 DIČ: CZ02144298 Ing. Jaromír Herůdek - director of IT section mobile: +420/721333540 e-mail: web: tel./zázn.: +420/518357784 |